Api Documentation


URL Parameter

Filters can be appended to the URL as simple GET parameters when performing a LIST request:



Type Description Example
string A value containing characters foobar
int A rounded numeric value 7
float A numeric value with decimals 6.4
boolean A true/false value true
datetime A string representation of the Date and Time plus timezone 2017-02-10T16:30:00+0000
date A string representation of the Date 2017-02-10
time A string representation of the Time plus timezone T16:30:00+0000

Dates and Times

Filters of type datetime, date and time can be expanded with the .since or .until affixes.
Appending ?creationdate.since=2017-01-15 to the URL will retrieve all items created after 2017-01-15.
Appending ?creationdate.until=2017-01-15 to the URL will retrieve all items created before 2017-01-15.
Both these affixes can be used in conjunction to retrieve items between 2 dates.

NULL values

All filter types can be expanded with the .null affix. This is a boolean like filter and thus expects true or false as values.
Appending ?filter_name.null=true to the URL will retrieve all items where filter_1 is NULL.
Appending ?filter_name.null=false to the URL will retrieve all items where filter_1 is NOT NULL.


No action selected

You can select actions from the left column.